Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not posting again for over a week + being sick = rambling!

I finished Nodame Cantabile yesterday, woohoo!!!

*ahem* Yes, that makes for two anime I've completed for this year. Just two out of my main goal of twelve series for 2010r. Next, I have to finish up Ouran and Mushi-shi which, despite being two anime I genuinely enjoyed, I never finished. I also plan on tackling the entrie Sailor Moon anmie series. Daunting, you say? Yes, very daunting! I think now is the perfect time to watch Sailor Moon in its entirety, because I never got the chance as a young anime fan. I think it is one of those 90s anime that all anime fans should see, whether in part or in whole. I’m not sure if I will check out the live action series or musicals, but I do have some interest in them.

Okay, I should probably actually talk about the anime of the moment after that little detour! Well, Nodame Cantabile is a good anime. I may post a proper review of it sometime soon, but I’m not making any promises yet. It was the perfect anime for the year when I chose to dive into classical music headfirst. The series seemed a bit slow at points, but it really grew on me. It’s a wonderful anime to my catalogue of favorite slice-of-life shows. The music itself was awesome and I discovered (sometimes rediscovered) some great pieces. I felt a pang in my heart every time I thought about the students at music school, because I want that. I want to look back years from now and say I experienced all of that.

Also, I find Nodame x Chiaki quite cute! ^_^ I really want to see more, but the other seasons haven’t been dubbed yet. I know I could probably track down the fan subs, but I’m trying to watch anime in a more legal way. I guess we’ll see what happens…

Did I also mention that Vic Mignogna was in the dub of this anime? :D He was, to my own amusement. Not to mention Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey! You know, they made this seem suspiciously like a Texas dub, but everything else made it clear that it was dubbed in Los Angeles.

That’s enough about enough of anime for now. I think I have other things to talk about… don’t I? *shrugs* I just spent so much time thinking about anime that I forgot.

Oh yes, I was dreadfully sick a few weeks back. I go on and on about how being sick during the summertime drives me nuts. You find this all very interesting, because this is my blog you’re reading! Anyway, I am just thankful that it wasn’t during Anime Expo and that go the chance to go the fair. I hope it’s all behind me now.

The only thing is that I haven’t really felt like myself since I was sick. My grudge against the 2004 Phantom movie has dissipated for the time being. I’ve alternated between Christina Aguilera and Sarah Brightman on my Slacker radio. Sarah Brightman is not the unusual, but Christina? I’ve listened to her more in the last week than I have in all of 2010 before that. Then there’s that odd dream from last night about me singing bad karaoke and Lucius Malofy being my next-door-neighbor. I guess that dream part isn’t that strange, because my dreams are usually weird.

In downright squee-worthy news… the Les Miserables 25th anniversary tour is coming to LA! *insert obligatory squee here* Yes! I knew the tour was going to be in in Europe, but actually getting to see it here was only a dream of mine until now. I am so excited! I thought I would have to wait ages to finally see the musical, but in reality, it will be only around three years or less. This is all I need for my Christmas, my birthday… whatever! This news makes me want to be brave and finally read all 1,000+ pages of the original novel. I don’t have the tickets yet, but I MUST get them! I can’t miss this chance. I nearly flipped out when I first found out about this.

I think that’s all I meant to say right now. This entry wasn’t meant to be about anything in particular. I hope my future posts will be more focused, but I needed to ramble today. I must go now… the sunlight is fading and it seems like the perfect time for a walk.

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